Amy P.

Beth is a fantastic QHHT Practitioner! She is so genuine and really easy to talk to. She was present and I could tell that she really wanted to see me heal from all of my “stuff.” She asked my higher self things I didn't even consider asking. She is very curious and I think that helps her interview people well, even if they are non-physical.

I love listening to my session because it refreshes my memory on all of the sage advice my higher self gave me. I find the past life stories so interesting since I can still learn today from those lives that I've lived elsewhere.

When we were doing the body scan, my SC told me that once my thyroid is back in balance, my handwriting will improve. It sounded so far fetched and random that I had to Google it. I found five that articles connected poor thyroid health to messy handwriting. I was blown away!

My SC didn’t miss a beat in saying what needed to be done. It made complete sentences without pausing to find the right words. That’s how I knew it wasn’t just me! My brain is almost always in a fog so m y belief is high!

I was dealing with a plethora of issues, but the one that had me the most concerned was the issue that showed up on my eye exam a couple of years ago. The Optometrist believed that there was concern for blindness in one of my eyes. During the body scan, my higher self went in and healed it on the spot. I had an eye exam a week later and my eyes were perfect on imaging! I believed, but more importantly, I knew that my eye had been completely healed.

The only way I could improve my session results is by actually following all the advice my higher self gave me. I asked it how to heal my brain from narcissistic abuse and it told me to crawl (literally, on all fours, like I'm learning to walk). That's all I have to do and it will fix most of my issues. A quick Google search confirmed this as well!! There are countless articles and papers published about crawling healing brain injuries & damage due to trauma.

We truly just have to love ourselves as much as our higher selves do and follow their advice. If you decide to have a session with Beth, listen to your recording afterwards and follow the advice. That's how you see the best results!


Bill G.


Debbie V. B.E.S, PMP, EFT Practitioner